Monday, November 21, 2005

HP - short review

So I went to see Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire this weekend.  We got there a half an hour early and they were already seating.  A few people were trickling in as we made our way to the theater and most of them felt the need to push their way around you so as to, I can only assume, aquire a better seat.  The worst part was the old man with a walker - I let him go by out of fear of him raming it into my shins.

I realize they were going to cut stuff but I think 60% of the book was left out.  Still, it was a good movie with very good special effects.  One of the best things about all the movies is the casting for the characters.  The people they chose fit perfectly with how I envision the characters in the books with one exception - Dumbledore.  The first one, Richard Harris, was perfect but it's difficult to see Michael Gambon in the role.  The PG-13 title is justified - we let The Boy watch certain parts of the other Harry Potter movies but there's no part of this one that I'd let him see.

There, short and quick, just enough to bug certain anti-Potter people I work with.

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