My son however.... at about 5:30 this morning he was not feeling well, though I think he was fine, so he came in to bed with us. Only in a dire emergency will I let them sleep with us, like the time we didn't have power and we all slept in the same room. So I was all ready to carry him back into his bed and stay with him for a little bit when, after he crawled under the covers he turns and says, "Daddy, I love you". Shoot. Can't kick him out now.
At 6:30 I try and wake him up. It usually takes me carrying him out of bed and plopping him down in our room and turning on Higglytown Heroes. This time, while he looked dead asleep, I leaned over and whispered quietly, "It snowed". BAM!!! Eyes shot wide open...covers flew off...he ran over to the window and exclaimed, "It snowed, it snowed!!!!", as he danced a little jig.
I take him into his room, get out his clothes and tell him to put them on. He then hops in his bed, euphoric expression replaced by dread, and says in his best 'I'll do anything to get out of this' voice, "I'm too sick to put my clothes on. Can you do it for me?"
Talking he must get from Laura....laziness, yours truly.
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