Thursday, June 29, 2006

Nighttime routines

Putting kids to bed at night is generally wrought with a long list of items.
- bath, check
- brush teeth, check
- go to bathroom, check
- hugs and kisses, check
- water cup, check
- kleenex, check
- read a story, check
- sit up by himself to read a story after we already did it, check
- turn light off, check

And if it's not done in that order you can pretty much count on doing it again.  Then there's the final, last second ditch effort "Daddy I have to tell you something" phrases that he always musters up just as your closing his door to keep from going to bed.

"Don't run into monkeys."

"I love you daddy"
"I love you too"

And that makes it all worthwhile.

1 comment:

Mylea said...

Hi Mark,
Sure enjoy the pictures you post. I like to visit your Blog periodically to check out the pictures. I also enjoy reading the little narratives of your exchanges with Luke. It's been a few years, but I can relate! Anna is precious! And Luke is delightful. You and Laura should be very proud!
Aunt Myra