Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Innocent honesty

My wife and I were walking at a furniture store the other day and the sales guy was leading the way.  theBoy, never having been quiet for 30 seconds in his life, was talking the sales guys ear off.

theBoy: This is my baby sister...her name is [theGirl].

sales guy: Oh really, her name is [theGirl]

theBoy: Yeah, mommy pushed her out.


Wednesday, February 08, 2006


My wife said that her, her mother, theBoy and theGirl were going somewhere with pumpkin seat, diaper bags, purses, etc. in tow.  All theBoy had to carry was his LeapPad.

boy: Mom, this is heavy.  Can you carry it?
grandma: If you carry it you'll get big muscles.
<30 seconds later>
boy: Mom, I don't want muscles.

Cool aerial shots in Mexico

This picture almost looks fake - but it's not. This guy flys his chopper around taking shots of Mexico City. There's a lot of cool one's in there - go take a look.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Google Talk search added to GMail

I'm not a fan of IM but this is cool. The ability to search your chat history already existed with Google Desktop but you were restricted to the machine you were chatting on. Now you can search via a centralized location.

The service has to be activated from your GMail settings for all your chats to be recorded. This could pose an issue with the person your chatting with not wanting their conversations to be recorded so they have the option to go "Off the Record".

Not bad for IM fans but for the rest of us we now have a useless link cluttering up the GMail interface.