Sunday, January 29, 2006

Flickr Badge Viewer

In my quest to make free blog hosting work more like a having your own full website I've finally added something I've been wanting to do for a long time - Flickr Badge Viewer.

Flickr provided a JavaScript file that you can place in your site and it will display however many images you set.  You can see the four photos to your right (or here if your viewing through an aggregator).

I threw together some JavaScript to take the HTML that Flickr feeds to the client and strip out the image url, Flickr url, and image title.  I then re-write the anchor tag for each image to call a JavaScript function (displayImage) to remove the main content of the site and display the image.

<script language ="javascript">

var mainHTML;

function displayImage(img, url, title)


    //Replace the main2 div element with the image.

    var main = document.getElementById("main2");

    main.innerHTML = "<div style='font-size:17pt;font-weight:bold;margin-top:5px;margin-bottom:5px'>" + title + "</div><a href='" + url + "'>View this image on Flickr</a> | <a href='javascript:displayImageClose();'>Close</a><br/><br/><img src='" + img + "' />";


function displayImageClose()


    //Put the original html back into the div element

    var main = document.getElementById("main2");

    main.innerHTML = mainHTML;


function editFlickrBadge()


    //In the event the javascript from Flickr

    // messes up then don't do anything.



        //main2 is where we're going to put the image

        var main = document.getElementById("main2");

        mainHTML = main.innerHTML;


        //photos is the div element wrapping the

  // Flickr Badge javascript

        var rootNode = document.getElementById("photos");

        for (i=0; i<rootNode.childNodes.length; i++)


            if (rootNode.childNodes[i].nodeName == "A")


                aNode = rootNode.childNodes[i];

                imgNode = aNode.childNodes[0];

                title = imgNode.title;

                img = imgNode.src;

                img = img.replace("_s.jpg",".jpg" );

                url = aNode.href;

                aNode.href = "javascript:displayImage('" +

 img + "','" + url + "','" + title + "')";





 //Calling this function should probably be called after the page loads

 // ...but I'm lazy



Friday, January 27, 2006

Cindy's place

Lake HouseMust be difficult to step out of your bedroom and fight all that rush hour traffic by walking down the hallway to the office. Then having to deal with the unsightly views of the lake out the office window must be torture. I don't know how The Graphic Goddess does it.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Dream Custom Homepage

Home pages built on AJAX are a dime a dozen.  Here's a small list of them on TechCrunch.  Every single one has exactly the same thing - weather, basic rss feeds, stocks, blah blah.  I'm looking for 2 main things that I have yet to see any of them have.

The first is an aggregator.  Yes they all have the ability to add rss feeds where you can view a site feed in a little box on your screen but if you have 50 feeds then you're going to have 50 boxes on your screen.  I want a full aggregator that could take up half the screen while the other half is left for things like weather, stocks,  and movie times.

The second...ah but you'll have to wait.  Because the second is actually a very decent idea.  And I'm not one to throw out a good idea for just anybody to snap up.

Get with the RSS

I'm amazed at the list of people, technical people, who do not use an aggregator.  All these people tell me how they read news, blogs, technical articles, etc. and how they actually go to each one of those sites to look for new articles.  I won't name any names on what set me off - you know who you are.  Most of the technical, non-aggregating, people I know are not quite that technical but the one I talked to today is and has no excuse - none!

So, go get an aggregator - there are tons of them.  Here's how.
  1. The best aggregators are internet based.  2 of them are NewsGator and BlogLines.  Although I'm told that the new Google Reader is good but I've tried it and...well...ick.
  2. Go to the blog or site that you want to read and look for their rss feed.  If they don't have one then they're morons and aren't worth your time.  Most links to rss feeds are marked by a little orange icon.
  3. Grab the url to that rss feed and add it to your aggregator.
RSS is also just a format - XML feed is the real name.  Another popular format is Atom.  Saying RSS is kind of like saying Bandaid or Kleenex (because really, who say's "I need a facial tissue").

There, now you just have to go to one website to get all your news and you can rest easy that I won't be making fun of you.  Because I will be making fun of you - in a big way.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

David's Tidbits

Here's a Yahoo group that lists a ton of information on getting the best deal for various items. In one of David's recent Tidbits he mentions that he wrote his own software to track items.
I now have the internet monitoring software working on office depot, I am using a testing software that allows me to record my shopping online, I filter out the SKU and make it a variable and I can get all the price changes at a store that I load the sku's for. I have these run via scheduled task then dump the data to a excel spreadsheet. I now know when all of the St. Louis market is dropping their prices and what stores have it available.
While most of what is listed relates to getting deals on computers, monitor, printers, cameras, etc. there are also items that are related to the more technical crowd such as his Tidbit on Microsoft firewalls.
Hey, ever wanted to know what the MS firewall is doing, can you make direct changes? well amazingly there is a way
To enable logging of dropped packets:
netsh firewall set logging droppedpackets=enable
To enable logging of connections:
netsh firewall set logging connections=enable
If you want to see the firewall configuration for logging:
netsh firewall show logging
Turn it on and you will now be able to look at the log (default %windir%\pfirewall.log) and you have it.
On the downside - sorry David - there is no structure for the messages that are posted. I think this is more of an issue with Yahoo Groups (that's a negative in itself) more than anything else. Trying to search for past items is near impossible with the search tool provided by Yahoo.

However, with his new software program and his uncanny sense of penny pinching (honestly, I think he separates 2-ply toilet paper and re-rolls it into 1-ply), I think Tidbits is still something to keep an eye on - or at least aggregated.

Monday, January 23, 2006

IE7 gets native XMLHTTPRequest object

Well, look at that.  Microsoft is doing something that's industry standard.  Special code will still have to be put into place for IE6 and below but and least it's a start.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Quick tour through the Google campus

ABC takes a quick walk through the Google campus. I like the monitor with all the current searches going on in the world. Take a look at the video.
Update: Here's another video from the BBC. This one is 30 minutes long and is done much better than the ABC one. I didn't really like the guy from ABC since he seems sort of ticked off as he's walking around the campus and he treated that guy in his office like a child. "So, all this stuff helps your creativity? You actually work better? Well, my office certainly doesn't look like this." Moron.

2 new Google News sections

Popular and Recommended. Sign in to your Google Account and if you have Personalized Search enabled the new Recommended section will pull the news articles based on your past news selections.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Microsoft Research Group Shot

Have you ever taken a picture of a bunch of people and one person will have their eyes shut?  Did you take that picture again and someone else's eyes are shut?  Microsoft Research has created an application that will allow you to take the best parts of those 2 pictures and put them into one shot were everybody is looking their best.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Back to the grind

Today is my first day back to work after having 17 days off - the most consecutive days I've ever had off. Coming back to work was almost physically painful. I would completely be ok with my wife getting a high paying job and me being a house-husband.