Wednesday, August 31, 2005

How rich are you?

Another reminder to count your blessings. Link

p.s. Brace your eyes for the horrid background

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Another StarTrek?

Ok, they kill Enterprise only to possibly bring back another?  Personally I thought Enterprise was the best one and was really ticked that they ended it.  StarTrek fans didn't want the show to end, the cast didn't want the show to end - so why do another.  Link

Monday, August 29, 2005

Dog Wash

There is a new car wash going in across the street from my subdivision. We had hopes that it would be some nice business to help alleviate a little bit of the hoosier reputation that Arnold has. A car wash in itself doesn't hurt but the fact that they're advertising a dog wash doesn't help. I think there's room on that sign for deer processing and fish cleaning.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Cool Jazz or the Wiggles?

Actually it was just a beep every time he pressed a key.

Friday, August 26, 2005

My son and a mouse

He's learned how to use one....snif.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Deleting locked files

So Brian sends me a link to something to install and check out.  Since we pass stuff back and forth all the time I have no issues with installing this thing.  So I download it and run the executable.  A console window pops up then goes away - hmm.  We realize that the file did not download correctly (the file size was only 8 bytes).  I tried deleting the file and it said another user or process had locked it.  Not a big deal - get those all the time.  However after rebooting - booting in safe mode - chkdsk - rebooting again - etc. I'm still not able to delete the file.  This sucks because the file is on my desktop - and causes all of the guys at work to laugh at me even harder.

Brian does find this program that deletes the file on startup before windows has a chance to lock it.  It worked (lucky for him).

Power Outage

Power's been out for 2.5 hours.  It was actually pretty pleasent to be completely disconnected from anything digital - though I did start to get a twitch in my mouse hand.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Google Maps + Virtual Tour

This is kind of cool. Google Maps mixed with a virtual tour of the marker you click on. Link

Friday, August 19, 2005


A bunch of pics from our trip to Branson. I usually weed out the stupid pictures but this time I just dumped them all into flickr. This one is the only real good one.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Blogger for Word

Yet another large reason to use Blogger over other systems is the Blogger for Word add-in.  Link.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Virtual Office?

Is this Mike's meaning for "Work is not a place"? Make it look like you're at work when you're not?

Actually this is a software application that allows you to take any photo and convert it into large dots. This one was printed on 45 pages.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

My Favorite Commercial

I've always like this commercial. Here's an article about it. Link

Google News gets RSS Feeds

Finally!  You can now get plain ol' Google News or your customized Google News in RSS or ATOM.

Monday, August 08, 2005 maps with pictures

I didn't know this was here.  A9 has been driving around for a year taking pictures of streets then combining that with their mapping software.  They have only done certain cities though.  Via  Link

Friday, August 05, 2005

GMail Groups

A friend found this earlier today. One of the large missing pieces in GMail is the lack of setting up groups in your contact list. Here is an article that show's you how to get around that. Link

Beginner's guide to developing web apps in AJAX

AJAX is the new (next?) hot thing in web programming at the moment. For example, it's what enables Gmail's interface to feel so slick, and for Flickr to deliver dynamic content. If you have no idea where to start, this article will get you going.

read more | digg story

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Whatever Google

Psshh - nice.  Ok Google we know you're the holy grail of company perks but do you feel the need to rub it in by blogging about it?

Irritating Bikers

Every bicyclist must follow the rules of the road and most that I come across do. Now I don't mind passing a biker but I start to get irritated if I have to pass that same biker more than once. What generally happens is that I'll pass a biker then at a stop light that biker will pass me and wait at the light where I have to pass them again. The biker should take his place in line. This morning there was a biker riding on a narrow road where you have to wait until traffic is clear to pass them - so that was irritating by itself. But we come up to a stoplight and the biker passes everybody, then goes right through the red light at this intersection thereby forcing everybody to pass him again. I felt like taking him out with my mirror.

Monday, August 01, 2005

My son's bday

Tim (brother), my son and I at a nice spot overlooking the Mississippi. There's more photos but check with me if you want to see them.

Baby Names

This is a pretty cool java app that shows the popularity for baby names. Link